Guardian Pharmacy of Maine Customers & Friends,
On Friday, October 16, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Defense announced a CDC partnership with CVS and Walgreens to provide vaccine services in nursing homes and assisted living once a COVID-19 vaccine has been approved and authorized. Facilities can partner with CVS, Walgreens, or existing LTC pharmacy. The program is NOT limited to CVS and Walgreens.
Facilities now have the opportunity to partner with CVS, Walgreens, or their current pharmacy provider. Nursing homes will indicate pharmacy preference through the NHSN portal Assisted living facilities will indicate their pharmacy preference through an online sign-up form
Facilities select one of the following options from the drop-down selection:
- Free on-site clinic(s) held by CVS
- Free on-site clinic(s) held by Walgreens
- Free on-site clinic(s) held by our existing pharmacy partner, if possible
- The existing pharmacy partner name will have to be filled in. A note on the form says that “In the event your existing pharmacy partner is unable to obtain vaccine or host free on-site clinic(s), please select a contingency option below (CVS, Walgreens, or opt-out)
- Our facility would like to opt out of receiving these services. We plan to receive vaccine and provide vaccination services in another way.
A note on the form says that “Indicating interest in participating is non-binding. We will attempt to honor facility preferences but may reassign facilities depending on vaccine availability and to minimize vaccine wastage.” Please note that forms must be completed by end of day on October 29.
Guardian appreciates your dedication to your residents, and we appreciate your continued support. Please call or email our account management team with any questions. 207-373-9077 ext. 2295 or
Warm Regards,
Courtney Oland, R. Ph, MBA
President & Owner
Guardian Pharmacy of Maine
207-373-9077 ext. 2207