Waltz LTC Featured in Long-Term Living
Courtney Oland, director of pharmacy operations, discusses the increasing importance of the long-term care pharmacist.
Courtney Oland, director of pharmacy operations, discusses the increasing importance of the long-term care pharmacist.
Cathy Yurek, R.Ph, and Courtney Oland, R.Ph, are among seven nationally certified pharmacists at Waltz Long Term Care.
Bangor Daily News
November 2, 2012
In this video interview, Dean Jacobs and Courtney Oland discuss how Waltz Long Term Care Pharmacy has re-positioned itself in a new market.
Courtney, Mike and Bob are scheduled to attend a QS1 Training session in Charlotte NC.
Times Record
May 9, 2012
Waltz Long-term Care Pharmacy plans to relocate from Topsham to Brunswick.